Change begins here

I offer carefully crafted, innovative experiences directed to hold space for transformation and collaboration. 

I provide consultation about your physical space with a trauma-informed sensibility that includes color, sound, texture, and smell. 

The process and experience manifest your vision. 


We will begin as close as we can to the end.

Share about the challenge you currently face on your path of work and purpose. We will follow the dangling threads worthy of pulling on your path of planning and action. 

We will identify what you want to be able to do and create when our work is complete.

Asking the proper questions is key.

Team Activity Session

Curious about a dynamic approach to team building and content integration/engagement?

What is the vision and mission for your office, team, department, organization? Are these being enacted and manifested? And how do we know?

We will curate activities designed for new ideas and ways of thinking about, doing, and being in your professional practice.

4-5 participants

Clinical Supervision

Explore and honor your existing professional identity. Asking the proper questions is essential to building practice innovations that you will bring back into your work with others.

These sessions can also be for clinicians who might want to incorporate the arts . 

Individual Therapeutic and Soul-Support

Working as artists, clinicians, and/or school-based-staff can be energizing as well as depleting.

Re-examine, re-charge, and perhaps re-invent approaches to working (and thriving!) in your setting.


Book a follow-up session once you've begun to use and experience the impact of our work together and want to galvanize the momentum, work through challenges, and amplify a new idea.


Topics we cover:
Critical thought, creative arts and expressive arts therapies,
social justice and attending pedagogical concepts, deconstructing and understanding current events and social issues in a historical context, and learning/examining research methodologies that center anti-oppressive practices, leadership and understanding that word from self-socio-cultural-ecological perspectives. Writing with a clear voice and clarity (writing as a form of becoming) are things that happen as byproducts in any learning relationship where writing happens — so that, too! Gauging interest and capacity for thinking and seeking to learn rests with you as an individual and/or your family, group, team, class-- there are no imposed age ranges or restrictions. Identity and difference impact the ways we see and how we come to know things — that happens at every age; I am open to discussing this more with you.
The energetic focus: 
Toward and with those who feel they want to co-create a relationally-attuned thinking, learning and imagination-focused spaces (something we are biologically hardwired to be and our collective survival depends upon it). Conflict and difference are invited in and named as part of process-centered learning. Exposing the status quo can feel necessary and uncomfortable. Discomfort and tension, when they accompany learning, require relationships and some risk-taking.
Each and all of these words impact us, and I've spent the better part of my life learning, unlearning, and re-learning them and how they feel on the inside and outside...
Parent, group, and family engagements can be crafted to allow for all of the above. Our learning forums center dialogue and creating, where being responsive includes making space for our dynamic, shared human experiences: Coping with losses, making sense of feelings, developmental and energetic shifts, negotiating oppressive systems, and other experiences.

Change requires us to become conscious of how we envision our purpose and navigate complex relationships and systems. The arts and imagination are pathways for this. 
Our work invites examination and reflection. If we are willing, it will invite us to align with passion and purpose. Our survival and success depend upon that.

Frequently Asked Questions

Activities and strategies can be turn-keyed with your team and in your work.
You will: Grow your capacity to conceptualize issues from multiple perspectives, identify individual strengths that shape vision and re-form systems.  Implementing collective-self-care strategies, increasing self-awareness, leadership-social-justice-alignments, and the arts-based experiences are practical takeaways of working with us. 

How long will our time working together last?

Will we meet in person or online?

My organization was just founded — is now a good time for us to work together?

What sort of resources will we receive through our work? 

Do you offer single consulting sessions?

How long will our time working together last?

Will we meet in person or online?

My organization was just founded — is now a good time for us to work together?

What sort of resources will we receive through our work? 

Do you offer single consulting sessions?